Jewish Museum London: Community Connect Project
What? Community Connect is a project where we invite you to share photographs of your own objects, artworks and creative writing linked to our weekly theme. Each week, a few submissions will be chosen by the Jewish Museum Team to be featured on our social media pages.
Your submission may include: artwork, creative writing, poetry, photography*, diary entry etc.
*When photographs include children or vulnerable adults, written permission of guardian must be provided.
Why? Now more than ever, the role of community is key. Throughout such periods of uncertainty and change, we find that community keeps us going, inspired and encouraged.
We hope that this project provides a safe space for the community to gather online, inspire one another and use social media to archive its story during this period.
How? Upload your piece on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook and include the hashtag #JMLCommunityConnect and handle @JewishMusemLDN. Alternatively, send your entry to [email protected]
Where? We will be hosting this project on of our across all of our social media pages @JewishMuseumLDN; Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.
When? This project will launch on 1 June, midday on our social media platforms.
- The week’s theme will be released every Monday, 3PM.
- Deadline for each week’s Community Connect will be on the Friday, midday.
- The winning image will always be announced on the following Monday, midday.
Important Information
By submitting your entry to the Jewish Museum London ‘Community Connect’ project, you grant permission for your entry to be used across the Jewish Museum London’s social media pages (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and the Jewish Museum London website).
Should you require any mental health support during this time. Please visit the following sites: