50 Objects: 'Growing Up'

The museum holds a wealth of material relating to childhood and adolescence, including items from Jewish schools and youth clubs. We also hold important items relating to the Kindertransport (the rescue of around 10,000 Jewish children to Britain from Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia) and a group of young survivors of the Holocaust who were admitted to Britain following the war, known as the “Boys”.

Jews’ Free School Journal

This is an issue of Ours, a fortnightly journal which was produced by the Jews’ Free School. This handwritten copy dates from 1886 and includes humorous and satirical essays, sketches, songs, and a chess column.

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Luggage Label for Margrit Freudenbergova

This identifying tag was worn by 17-year-old Margit Freudenbergova on her journey from Prague in 1939. She was one of 10,000 Jewish refugee children who were admitted to Britain between December 1938 and September 1939

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Thank You Card

Thank you card made and signed by young refugees of Dovercourt Bay Holiday Camp (near Harwich) addressed to Mr and Mrs Bond, the camp manager and his wife.

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