Partnering with the Jewish Military Museum

Yesterday was a wonderful and historic day at the museum, as we agreed our partnership with the Jewish Military Museum. The Jewish Museum London will assume care and responsibility for the Jewish Military Museum’s entire collection of over 4,000 objects and its learning programme. (L to R): Roz Currie, Curator of the Jewish Military Museum; Rt […]

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Jewish Museum London agrees partnership with Jewish Military Museum

The Jewish Museum London today announced their partnership with the Jewish Military Museum. The Jewish Museum London will assume care and responsibility for the Jewish Military Museum’s entire collection of over 4,000 objects and its learning programme. This collection, currently housed at the Jewish Military Museum in Hendon, focuses on the stories of individual Jewish […]

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Obscuratorial Finds – Oddities in the Archives

by Alice Quine, Curatorial Assistant With my last blog post focusing on the museum’s food related objects it seemed like a natural progression to move from goulash to ghouls. Some of the most interesting aspects of the collection are concerned with unusual historical practices which may now seem rather macabre. Dastardly Doctors – While many […]

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Sukkot at the Museum

by Judith Vandervelde, Senior Educator We recently reached the end of the harvest festival of Sukkot, which reminds us of the forty years the Jewish people spent wandering in the wilderness after the Exodus from Egypt. During this festival meals are eaten in the Sukkah, an outdoor temporary hut that is covered with greenery. To […]

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LOVE… how do we celebrate, seal and remember it?

L to R: Boris Bennett, Wedding photograph of Mr and Mrs Simmons, 1935; 18th century wedding ring; Ketubah (marriage contract) 1806 Lend your own treasures to be displayed alongside ours in new exhibition series, Your Jewish Museum, beginning in January.  Your object can speak to any type of love: divine, parental, romantic. Anything! Let the pieces above […]

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Mark Titchner art installation

Yesterday saw the installation of a new work by Turner Prize nominated artist Mark Titchner at the museum, as part of Outsidereal, an art trail organised by Camden Council which will be running until 31 October. The text pieces created for us are based on the phrase ‘Not For Self But For All’, which is a translation of […]

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London Volunteers in Museums Awards

by Emma Davies, Visitor Services Manager Two weeks ago, the Jewish Museum played host to the LVMAs 2014. After months of planning and build-up, the day finally arrived and over 160 guests from museums in and around London joined us to celebrate the amazing work volunteers do across the cultural heritage sector and say thank […]

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Obscuratorial Finds – Why do we have so many…?

by Alice Quine, Curatorial Assistant In a practising Jewish household, food plays a very important role in religious holidays and celebrations. Many Jews keep kosher, whereby they only eat meat and dairy products which have been prepared in a ritually proper manner, and which must never be mixed or eaten together. At the Jewish Museum […]

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Thank you to Hi Lo Magazine for this feature on our brand new exhibition! hilomagazine: Exhibition: Designing the 20th Century: Life and Work of Abram Games | Jewish Museum London Official War Artist, graphic designer, illustrator: Abram Games had it all.  See it at the exhibition of his life and works at the Jewish Museum London.  8 September […]

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Secrets of the Jewish Museum

by Larry Ross, Museum Volunteer The Bakers’ Banner on the upper ground floor is one of the most stunning items in the museum (click here for images), yet so many people just look briefly and then walk past it. But the whole story is fascinating.  Many of the Jews who came to Britain in the late […]

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