Radical Women

by Miriam Phelan, Assistant Curator As part of International Women’s Day 2017 the Jewish Museum London has a display of 10 portraits of Radical Jewish Women who have made significant contributions to the fields of science, culture, sports, literature and politics. International Women’s Day is often associated with the beginning of the Russian Revolution in […]

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Remembering Simeon Solomon

by Abi Stacey, Marketing, Communications and PR Manager As LGBT History Month draws to a close we remember Pre-Raphaelite artist Simeon Solomon (1840-1905) whose career was cut tragically short when he was arrested for homosexual acts. Simeon Solomon was born in 1840 to a prominent Jewish family and by 1858 his work was exhibited at […]

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Reflection and Reconciliation

by Joana Owona, ARSP Volunteer A couple of months ago I was still sitting at home, in Germany, eagerly waiting for an email that would hopefully tell me I was accepted to do a yearlong voluntary service here in the Jewish Museum in London.  When that eventually really did happen, I was so excited. I […]

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Introducing Nam Tran

by Mathilde Lester, UCL Museum Studies MA Student and Project Manager for the Jewish Museum London’s Claytime Late In the very heart of Camden, not far from the Jewish Museum London, is Rochester Square. It is an abandoned nursery; inside, crumbled, neglected green houses sprawl to the left, and beside those, a long, airy studio, […]

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Acting Along to Clay

by Alice Tofts, UCL Museum Studies MA Student and Event Programmer for the Jewish Museum London’s ClayTime Late [Editor’s note] Five students from UCL’s Museum Studies MA course are working with the museum to plan a museum late event – ClayTime – on Thursday 2 February. Over the next few months they’ll be updating our […]

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Klezmer at Claytime

by Alice Tofts, UCL Museum Studies MA Student and Event Programmer for the Jewish Museum London’s ClayTime Late [Editor’s note] Five students from UCL’s Museum Studies MA course are working with the museum to plan a museum late event – ClayTime – on Thursday 2 February. Over the next few months they’ll be updating our blog […]

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My Jewish Museum

by Joshua Rocker, Marketing Intern I remember visiting the Jewish Museum for the first time as a seven-year-old, when it was stationed in East Finchley. Every Sunday, on the top floor by a desk near the steps, Leon Greenman, an Auschwitz survivor, used to sit and speak to visitors about his experiences.   My parents […]

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Say hello to our new Late event team!

by Mathilde Lester, UCL Museum Studies MA Student and Project Manager for the Jewish Museum London’s Claytime Late Hello everyone. We are five masters students from UCL, Museum Studies, here to organise a Late Night evening on 2 February to coincide with Shaping Ceramics: From Lucie Rie to Edmund de Waal.  Over the next few weeks, […]

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