Schneider-Jacobson Wedding – Ceremony

Object number

J Taylor

M Schneider-Jacobson

Object Information

This image shows Marc and Charlie getting married. They are standing under a chuppah, wearing kippot with rainbows hand-drawn onto them and a tallit wrapped around their shoulders. After about 12 years of dating, Marc and Charlie decided to get married at Botley Hill Barn in Surrey. Marc describes this picture as “a wonderful reflection of two boys who’ve been in love for 12 years finally getting married.”

The chuppah is a central symbol at the Jewish wedding. It is a canopy supported by four poles. The word ‘chuppah’ is Hebrew and literally translates to mean ‘canopy’ or ‘covering’ in English. This structure is a symbol of the home the couple will create together. The chuppah in this image was hand-made by Charlie’s parents.

A tallit is a Jewish prayer shawl. On every tallit, you will find knotted tassels called tzitzit which symbolise the 613 mitzvot. In a Jewish wedding, the tallit is often wrapped around the couple by a parent. This symbolises the unity within the newlyweds’ relationship, and also serves as a reminder that the couple is surrounded by G-d’s love. This tradition tends to happen for the final blessing at the wedding.

At the end of a Jewish wedding ceremony, the couple will often smash glass. This tradition dates back to the Talmud and there are different meanings to it. Many people view this tradition as a reminder of the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem.

Hear from the donor

How does this image represent your Jewish identity?

There isn’t really a set way to have a gay Jewish wedding. Charlie and I had lots of different personal touches in the way we celebrate Judaism – whether it was little rainbows [hand-drawn] in each kippah, dancing with the shtick sheet (traditionally for the bride), simultaneously smashing glasses, both up on the chairs and a wonderful chuppah handmade by Charlie’s parents.

Why is this image important to you?

This image is the reflection of 13 years of love and two boys who have grown up together declaring their love.

In three words, what does Judaism mean to you?

Tradition, Community, FOOD

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