Kosher Deli

Object number

E. Brown

E. Brown; Birmingham Central United Synagogue


Object Information

This photograph shows a kosher deli at Birmingham Central United Synagogue. It is the only kosher store in the West Midlands. It offers a full range of products, such as fresh meat, poultry, cooked products, dairy, bakery, and delicatessen items along with the dry goods selection.

Food is kosher when it adheres to the Jewish dietary laws called Kashrut. The laws of kashrut come from the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) and rabbinic expansions. The two core rules of the kashrut law in terms of food preparation are not consuming blood and separating meat from dairy. This rule led to the usage of separate cooking and eating utensils.

Packaged kosher food has a symbol called a ‘Hechsher’ as proof that it has been kosher-certified. A kosher store sells exclusively kosher products, which makes doing the groceries much easier.

During Pesach, keeping kosher means not consuming hametz, fermented products made of grains such as wheat, rye, spelt, barley, or oats. For the Passover period, these products are removed from the kosher kitchen shelves and shops.

Hear from the donor

This image was donated to the Jewish Museum London by E. Brown from Birmingham Central United Synagogue.

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