Councillors, Communists and Cockneys

Like so many arriving through the doors of the Jewish Museum London, I came with questions about family. I came to my collections placement with the aim of finding some evidence of a connection between my relatives and any objects at the museum. Something to bridge the gap between family legend and historical fact. Ideally, […]

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The delicacy of Jewish design & culture

We often think of Jewish culture with its most iconic objects such as the Menorah or Torah. However, we seem to underrate the value of Jewish jewellery. You might accidentally pass over them due to their tiny appearance but it’s hard to ignore the impact of these delicate gems. During my placement in the Jewish […]

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Print Matters at the Jewish Museum London

As part of my Collections Placement at the Jewish Museum London (JML), I have audited many of the Museum’s prints, plates, and printmaking tools. Among the objects I have been handling and researching have been photographic etching plates; aleph-bet woodblocks; 17th century books; Harry Blacker’s satirical cartoons (as featured in the 2018 exhibition); and tools […]

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A Girl’s Exile across the Sea: The Life Story of Grete Glauber

Grete Glauber’s article, “My First Impression of England, ” is one of the many artefacts that caught my attention during my Collections Placement at the Jewish Museum London. Her positive tone and confident writing form a strong contrast to the circumstances that brought her to England. Grete is one of approximately ten thousand children who arrived […]

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The best medicine? Laughter (and chicken soup)!

Many people like to say that the best medicine is laughter. This begs a couple of questions: firstly, why has laughter often been held in this regard by humanity, especially in Jewish culture? Now, I do not mean to investigate how the brain processes humour; I’m no scientist. Rather, I would like to consider how […]

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