Chanukkah, Night 3

S. Rose

S. Rose

Object Information

This image show two Hanukah lamps lit for the third night of Hanukah. We see four candles lit – three candles to symbolise the three days of Hanukah thus far, and the Shamash candle. The Shamash candle is the helper candle, which helps to light all the other candles. Traditionally, the Shamash candle is at the highest point of the Hanukah lamp.

Different people will refer to the Hanukah lamp in different ways. Some people may simply call it a Hanukah lamp, whilst others may call it a Hanukiah or a Menorah.

Likewise, many people may spell Hanukah in different ways. This is due to the varying approaches in translating from Hebrew. Hanukah, Hanukkah, or Chanukkah are some of the ways you may see this Festival of Light spelt.

Hanukah remembers the story of Judah and the Maccabees defeat against King Antiochus. To remember this story, Jewish people all around the world will celebrate the 8 day festival Hanukah in November/December. Each day of Hanukah, you will light a candle.

Learn more about Hanukah here.

Hear from the donor

What is happening in your image?

I have chosen one image of the third of Chanukkah candles.

Why is this image important to you?

This image is important to me because they reflect two aspects of Judaism that I love the most: culture and rituals.

What does Judaism mean to you?

Judaism is not just a religion, but an entire world that permeates every area of life. The battle to live as a Jew freely and peacefully is one that all Jews throughout history have had to face, and still do today. To me, every Jew is a miracle and should be celebrated – that’s what I think about in performing my Judaism, whether it be through food or lighting the Chanukkah candles.

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